A perennial, twining plant, with long, knotty, crooked root-stocks and thin, smooth stems. The leaves are alternate. The lower leaves are in whorls of 3-8 heart-shaped, hairy beneath and veins conspicuous. The small flowers are greenish-yellow and not showy. The male flowers are in drooping panicles, the female in drooping spicate racemes. The fruit is a three-winged capsule with winged seeds. Found throughout eastern, central U.S. in wet woods, on hedges, fences.
It is a antispasmodic, diuretic, expectorant, and emetic in large doses. The root tea helps to traditionally relieve morning sickness, labor pains, leg and menstrual cramps, colic, gas, asthma, soothing to the nerves, neuralgia and pains in the urinary tract. It contains diosgenin, a precursor of progeserone used to make contraceptive pills. It also yields cortisone and steroids. Used as an anti-inflammatory to treat arthritis, and in hydrocortisone creams for eczema. Steep 1 teaspoon of the root in 1 cup water for 30 minutes.
Brand: Best Botanicals
Wild Yam Root Powder 16 oz.
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